Knowing who your target market is can help you stay focused on developing products and services that will appeal to your ideal client. For best results, it’s critical for understanding what your ideal client looks like and how to reach them.
Defining your target market is one of the most important steps in building a business, and it's also one of the most difficult.
How do you define your target market?
If you're like most people, it's probably something like "people who love [thing]", but what if I told you that was actually the worst way to define it?
The truth is that your target market isn't just a group of people who love [thing], it's also made up of people who don't yet realize they love [thing].
If you only market to people who love your product, you're leaving out a huge percentage of potential customers.
If you only market to people who love your product, you're leaving out a huge percentage of potential customers.
That means we're missing out on all kinds of opportunities to grow our business and make more $$.
Step 1: Identify Your Ideal Customer(s)
Who are they? What do they want? How do you reach them?
Step 2: Segment, Segment, Segment
Identify groups of people who share similar characteristics and cater to each group individually. The messaging for people that already wants what you gots needs to look different than the messaging for the people that might need a little more convincing.
For example: Let's say you're selling a dog camera. If your target market is middle-aged women who have dogs, then you'll probably want to focus on how your awesome dog camera helps them keep their dog healthy and happy while they're away from home. If your target market is young people in college, then maybe instead of talking about how this product helps owners keep their dogs healthy and happy while they're away from home—which might not be relevant to them—you'd want to talk about how this product helps dogs feel like they always have company , even when they go out for the night!
Step 3: What Platforms Should You Use?
Once you've identified these groups, you'll need to determine how best to reach them. This will help ensure that your marketing efforts are effective and efficient. A quick google search will help you determine what groups use what social media platforms.
Remember - The Digital World Isn't Your Only Means for Marketing!
Read How to Develop a Marketing Plan (and actually implement it) for some more ideas!